Saturday, May 23, 2020

The Corona Life

True to our part, the corona influence is going to stay. We would certainly find ourselves speaking about it to the new generations that would not have experienced it. Locked down.  Closed indoors!! Never thought that we would come across these unpredictive times where we would value ourselves and our loved ones more than we could think of! The times have become so relaxing. We couldn't think of more rest than we are now.
 I, being a cabin crew, one day, after joining the aviation industry as my second field of experience after education counselling, found myself to be so relaxed and full of myself! I never thought I could even start blogging or even start my pending work on my novel, until this corona times. While some of us are still stuck alone in some unfamiliar place, without any friends or family, some of us striving to go back to our ancestral homes. Though it is imperative that most of us are going to go through very very difficult times, the perseverance and endurance alone could be our weapon for survival. These times have taught us that irrespective of what phase of life we are in, what community, caste or religion we were born into, we are all equal; as when the uncertainty and end of life arrives, we all become the same.
As alike, the nature, the wild animals, birds and the water beings, all are beginning to have their natural habitat, far apart from the interruption of human indulgence. The more we were grooving into the increasing heights of our life's parameter, the more we are now discovering the new traits of simple livings and small happiness that we missed in our search for life's purpose and fulfillment. I am now still pondering into some of my life's more undiscovered contents that I could imply the purpose of my life into. Hope this difficult times passes soon and may we witness a more welcoming earth where we can breathe fresh air, drink clean water and eat what nature provides, along with ascertaining the various ways of living a better life along with other living species, who also is a part of Mother Earth. 

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